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Every day, an unseen form of labor creeps into our lives, stealing precious moments of free time, placing a strain on our schedules and relationships, and earning neither appreciation nor compensation in return. This labor is 'life admin' - the kind of secretarial and managerial work necessary to run life and a household. Elizabeth Emens as a working mother with two young children realized that life admin was consuming her. Desperate to survive and to help others along the way, she gathered favorite tips and tricks, admin confessions, and the secrets of admin-happy households. Drawing on her research and writing in a wholly original manner, Emens shows how this form of labor is created and how it affects our lives; how we might reduce, redistribute and even prevent it; what 'admin personalities' we might have; and how to deal with admin in relationships. The Art of Life Admin is the book that will teach the readers how to do less of it, and to do it better.

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