Health > Yoga/Meditation


This monograph mainly covers our studies on the causes and management of the most common and disabling disorders of stress and strain of life. It is now well established that the brain with its known centers for sensory, intellectual and emotional functions plays the main role in maintaining a balanced condition of our body and mind by liberating required amount of neurohumors and hormones. Any disturbance of this homeostasis by genetic or environmental factors would ultimately lead to the development of the stress disorders. At first the changes are functional and later on bodily changes of Stress Disorders appear. In the treatment, during the acute stage, the use of tranquillizers and other drugs may help. However, if the disturbance persists, the practice of Yoga would help greatly to get over the neuro-humoral changes occurring in the brain. Hence the integrated practice of Yoga has an important role to play in the prevention and treatment of stress diseases. All these aspects have been dealt with in the book in sufficient detail with regard to each of the disorders of stress for the benefit of all concerned.

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