Self Help > Self Help Books


The Secret Gratitude Book talks about those small yet significant acts that help a person get the life they want. This book hands over those crucial and powerful tools that have the capacity to revamp life. It is designed with simple yet compelling words that make the readers realize how beautifully they could use gratitude and visualization to help achieve their aspirations. The Secret Gratitude Book envelopes quotes and affirmations that leave a remarkable impact on the reader's mind. It has taken a lot of real-time examples that are commonly found in one or the other form in each one's life, while suggesting what would be the most gratifying act to bring the best desired outcome. Frequently including the term ‘Secret' Rhonda signifies those well-known yet hidden moves that are ideally avoided, which if considered can leave a blooming and harmonious effect to one's life. With her wisdom of content and way with words, Rhonda has presented a phenomena that empowers readers to attract every appealing thing. Rhonda has intelligently connected Laws of Attraction, relationships and health in the form of chapters.

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